Friday, November 21, 2014

SO close!

I am so close to a dream of mine, I can taste it!!

Pam and I are flying to Ushuaia, Argentina, via  LA and Buenos Aires. We will switch not only planes but airports also. We have 8 hrs to do so but we've been warned that it's not as easy as it sounds. From there we fly to the end of the world: Ushuaia, aka Tierra del Fuego, "land of fire". We will spend 3 nights in Ushuaia and do the tourist thing, including the "train at the end of the world" (dunh dunh duhhh)!

On Thanksgiving we board our ship w/115 other crazy people for 9 days & 2 ports on the continent of Antarctica.

We will kayak, hike, camp out, and maybe even take the "polar plunge"! I've just wanted to pet a penguin for as long as I can remember - cant tell you why.

Anyway, now that I've got this (adding photos to) blog thing on pam's tablet, I promise to share the trip w/you, as real time as I can get. I hope you enjoy it too!

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